Posts tagged #reviewbysofia

Book Review : The Affair by RevelRebel

This book is something for me. Why? Because this is the first book that mention my name as a proofreader. Thank you revelrebel who gives me trust to become a proofreader. I feel pressure at first, because I found something different between a casual reader and a proofreader. As a casual reader I read just for me and for my pleasure, yeah sometimes I think too, but no need to think too much. However, when I become a proofreader, I need to read slowly, to find if there are any typo and non-standard words, and find the unsynchronized, if any. At the end, the book will read by many people, and they can give comment, both good or bad. I’m afraid that there are still have any typo or nazi grammar. Yeah, I know I lack knowledge about proofreading. I must learn a lot.

Other than that, this book is the pilot project of “Aksara Makna Imaji”, a hybrid publisher established by my friends and I. The previous, I just know the outline of publishing book, however from this book, I know directly the process. From the first script until the end include editing process, proofread, make a book’s layout, choose the vendor and decide the reseller. Exhausting, but exciting. I get so many lessons from this process.

So, let me review this book. I think my review maybe bias because I’m a proofreader and revelrebel fans. But, from bottom in my heart, this book is amazing. How she writes? 100 points, the conflict? No debate. The sub-chapter? I think there are real album, and very detail, because not only mention the album name, but year also, and match with the story itself. The one that I like about her story, there is always a something new in her story. No same pattern, conflict or typecast.

There are huge differences between the book and the first outline, published in wattpad. The Aria’s vulnerability is genuine. How he is covering his insecurity with his glamor worlds. I want to hug him when he finally reveals his true feeling toward Shania. The “car scene”, heartwarming. Don’t forget the extra part tho, will back to the moment “Before the Storm”.  

That’s all about “The Affair”. I hope you will enjoy the book as much as I enjoy it too.  If you still don’t make a pre-order, there will be a second batch. Go follow aksaramaknaimaji and stay tuned. I will keep you posted.